Hi! I’m Cheryl Marshall.

I’m a wife, mom, author, Bible study teacher, and co-author of When Words Matter Most. I love helping women know God’s Word, live it out in their daily lives, and give it to others in love—and all for the glory of Christ.


Know it. Live it. Give it.


Bringing God’s Word into Everyday Life

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Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord . . . bearing fruit in every good work

and increasing in the knowledge of God.

Colossians 1:10

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FREE 5-Day Mini-Bible Study: Psalm 27


Trusting God in Troubled Times


“This study caused me to ponder deeply the richness of Psalm 27 and to cast my eyes to God Himself, the only true source of hope. The questions drew me deep into the passage and called me to expectant faith.”

- Debbie Young, Chief Curriculum Officer, Bible Study Fellowship